Learn to Heal: Physical Health / Nutrition and Aging

Learn to Heal

An examination of the 8 Wonders of Integrated Living: Health, Introspection, Honesty, Courage, Beauty, Solitude, Joy and Balance. As this is a living, evolving document, I encourage each of you to contribute your own responses as you read, so that together we might build a powerful collaborative work that helps to inform and transform ourselves as well as those who follow.

thank you....M. Reynolds

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Physical Health / Nutrition and Aging

I post at several blogs and today, I wrote in www.laughinglime.com about the importance of antioxidants as they relate to keeping the body protected from free radicals that have the power to alter our DNA. Generally the subject matter for this site is unique to the Learn to Heal model for refining our life. But frankly, all the work we do with mind and spirit will be lost if we do not care for the vehicle in which they are contained. So with that as a preamble, allow me to submit this re-publication of "Honest Talk About Staying Youthful", for your consideration.

Let's face it, even with all of life's difficulties-and everybody has them-one thing is true for all of us, we want to stick around as long as possible. Because as far as we know, this is the only game in town and if your not in, then your out and if you're out, then you're dead. Yeah, I know, no one wants to think about that, and I am no exception. But the truth is that the inevitability of our demise is what gives value to life. If life went on forever, like anything that is in endless supply, we wouldn't appreciate it.
It is this awareness-which in most of us increases as we mature-which infuses passion into the discussion about aging. What is aging really anyway, but another way of saying, 'Whoa, I just did the math dude and I've lived over half my life already and that's if I'm lucky enough to live to the ripe old age of ______(fill in the blank). I'm getting freakin' old.

Okay, if you just focus on the math, it can get kind of depressing, kind of like saying that I'm down 9 points and already in the 3rd quarter. Let's hope I can push the clock into overtime. Well, maybe you can, at least I believe it is entirely possible.

How is it possible to extend life?

By taking care of the body. Your body is your vehicle, it is what makes it possible for you to be on the highway of life. If you're vehicle is in the shop or on it's way to the wrecking yard, no more sight seeing for you. So it is imperative for you to keep the vehicle in tip-top condition. In fact the vehicle analogy is a good one, because, come on, you know you're more likely to pay attention when your car is making a funny noise or running rough than when you bod is in trouble. The problem is that our bodies don't come with a 'Check Engine' light, so its easy to ignore when something is wrong.

But what if nothing is really wrong, should we do anything? Absolutely! If you're not taking extra measures to improve your diet, get more exercise, check your attitude and lookout on life, than there is definitely something wrong. I mean, this metaphorical road trip that we're on encounters a lot of potholes. Wear and tear breaks down the body and without daily attention to maintenance, the necessary repair on the cellular level doesn't take place and that is what will eventually get you, even if you think you're just fine.

What is cellular repair and why is it important?

Well, I'm sure you've has heard the word antioxidant, every time you turn on the TV, or read ads in the paper. Like most advertising, it saturates us with a concept, and so much so that we become inured to its message. Often that message is about some new fangled thing that we can live without, but not this time. We need antioxidants. Why? Because, oxygen is like the good cop/bad cop, we can't live without it, but it is also slowly killing us. As we breath, we take in oxygen, but oxygen is like a lonely step-child, it can't stand to be alone, ever. It always has to be joined at the hip with other elements. But unfortunately, when it does, a dysfunctional relationship usually results. Meaning that oxygen, in its pure form is 02 (2 bonded atoms), but it is easily spit into 2 separate atoms in the presence of other atoms or molecules which have an opposite charge from Oxygen. When this happens, oxygen becomes a radical, like kind of a terrorist.

Radicals, also called free radicals, because they are temporarily un-bonded and available to hook up, do damage in the process of binding with other chemical compounds in the body. When they do this, they change the properties of that compound, often making it toxic to the body, or altering the way it functions. For an example, every time you breath, you take in millions of radical oxygen atoms created by cigarette smoke, radiation and automobile emissions. Every time you eat, you consume free radicals in the form of pesticides and preservatives. Our bodies do have a natural defense against these attackers and prevent some of the damage they would otherwise do. But its not enough to slow or reverse the aging process. We need other anti-oxidants, from sources such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and fish. You may recognize some of these by their more common names, such as vitamin E, C and beta carotene. Others include lutein, lycopene, magnesium and zinc.

Why do plants have antioxidants?

Plants, which we eat in the form of fruits, vegetables, nuts grains, etc. are subject to the same cellular damage from the environment that we are. They cannot grow and become vital without effectively fighting off the damage done by all kinds of interlopers. For that reason, plants have evolved to produce these antioxidants in powerful forms, some of which were just mentioned. When we eat the freshest, most carefully grown and harvested fruits and vegetables, we get to incorporate these powerful counter-insurgency weapons into our bodies.
Additionally science has found ways to concentrate these compounds into supplements, which boost our defense against these pervasive threats. I did not used to believe in supplements, but I have changed my mind, as I see how my body has responded to the anti-aging effects of neutralizing these free-radicals. I can see it in my skin, hair, muscles and joints. My energy and resistance to viruses has also improved. Can I prove this to anyone? No. But this is my personal experience and it has made me a believer.

What are some of the ways oxidative stress can affect the body?

One is heart disease. The American Heart Association says "Oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad cholesterol") is important in the development of fatty buildups in the arteries. This process called Atherosclerosis, can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Increasing evidence suggest that LDL cholesterol lipoprotein oxidation and its biological effects can be prevented by using antioxidants-both in the diet and in supplements"

What might antioxidants do in the battle against cancer?

Well, the National Cancer Institute says, "Considerable laboratory evidence from chemical, cell culture and animal studies indicates that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent the development of cancer".

Antioxidants may even help us live longer. This is backed up by advanced in a California study of people 50 and older, where it was found that those with a higher intake of vitamin C were found to have a total death rate only 40% of that for those with the lower intake of the vitamin. This decrease in the death rate corresponds to an increase by eleven years in the length of life"
What are some important Antioxidants you should be incorporating into your diet?
Carotenoids - These fat soluble compounds help protect cell membranes. To boost their levels in your body, eat more sweet potatoes and other red and yellow vegetables. Take a supplement containing 50 mg of mixed carotenoids every other day.

Vitamin E - This fat soluble antioxidant has been shown to protect the heart and the brain...as well as enhance the body's immune system. Its hard to get enough vitamin E from grains and other foods sources without also getting too much fat. For this reason, it is best to rely on a supplement. The usual dosage is 200 International Units (IU) per day. But check with your doctor first.

Vitamin C - This water soluble vitamin-found primarily in citrus fruits-protects the parts of the cells that vitamin E and carotenoids cannot reach. The usual dosage is 500 mg, every other day.

Selenium - This mineral, found primarily in seafood and liver, plays a pivotal role in neutralizing free radicals. Yet many Americans are deficient in selenium. The usual dosage is 200 micrograms (mcg) every other day.

In addition to the antioxidants discussed here, it is often a good idea to take supplements of folic acid (1mg per day), Coenzyme Q-10 (50 mg per day) and zinc (20 mg per day). But discuss these with your doctor first to be sure this does not conflict with any conditions you may have or medications you may currently be taking.

In closing here is my kind of Laughing Lime slant on the whole thing:

The mission of this blog is to explore the relationship between environment and health and what we can do in our daily lives to improve both. Oxidation has been present in our environment since long before we arrived on the scene. But, the burning of fossil fuels, the use of pesticides along with other phenomena of modern living have increased the threat of exposure to this double agent of the chemical world. As we begin to move away from conventional farming practices and to more renewable forms of energy production, we may somewhat reduce the presence of free radicals in our immediate environment, but the potential will never be zero. There will always be a background level of marauding oxygen atoms floating around looking for new victims. Your mission is to pre-emptively defend against these nefarious forces that nature has seen fit to keep around. In so doing, you can literally slow or reverse the process of aging. I believe the continuing search for the fountain of youth will sputter along slowly, notwithstanding some grand discovery in genetics. And most of the progress in this emerging science will be made by revealing new methods of reducing oxidative stress.

Take some time to do your own research on things like Resveratrol (do a search at the top of our main page) or Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, as well as others. Don't wait for science to come knocking at your door to deliver the latest, greatest whatever. You must be your own passionate researcher. Each of us is truly a work in progress, you are the captain of your ship, you are in the driver's seat. Study your options and approach life with the view toward constant refinement, not only in your diet, but in your relationship to self and others and in realizing your bodily potential. Stay active, exercise frequently, travel, enjoy life, eat well, but eat consciously. This will all contribute to a positive feedback loop which will no doubt extend your life, but also make is immeasurably better.

Mark Reynolds

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